
Key features

Some of the key features of Dsynq:

  • Check in/check out project data for a particular Git commit;
  • Seamlessly use the data from the previous commits or add/remove data within any commit;
  • Data updates between commits are incremental;
  • Merge data from different Git branches;
  • Migrate project database schema and data forward and backward (rollbacks);
  • Script easily via the command line interface;
  • Use any Linux server to host remote datastores;
  • Authenticate with private keys from .ssh/ or pageant;
  • Leverage rsync and plink/ssh for transport.

Dsynq Professional and Enterprise editions

In addition, Dsynq Professional and Enterprise editions include:

  • Remote backups
    Back up the remote data on every checkin automatically.
  • Local backups
    Back up the local data on every checkout or get automatically.
  • Database deltas in .bin.xz format
    Unlock parallel processing of database deltas with this super efficient format.
  • Detecting moved files and directories
    Synchronize the data directory structure before actually transmitting the files. This may save a lot of time and bandwidth.
  • Remote datastore maintenance
    Use advanced commands to maintain remote datastores.

For a comprehensive list of the capabilities of Dsynq, read the Reference.


It's straightforward to build data versioning extensions on top of Dsynq to enhance different frameworks or Object-Relational Mappings (ORMs).

  • django-dsynq is an open source python package for the Django framework.